You walk cheerfully towards Jason's far pasture. A dim shape comes into view but you didn't pay any attention to it, assuming that it was probably Jason, but as you got closer, you could see that it wasn't a horse, but a person.
"Hey, Traveller! Wait up!"
Evok calls from behind you and you stop for him to catch up.
"Going to see Jason, huh?" he asks. "Well, he should be seen, he's special."
The dim shape-person turns out to be a girl. "Hey, Cynderilla," Evok says, revealing her name. Cynderilla grins when she sees you and Evok. "Hi. Here to see Jason?"
A palomino colt comes trotting up through the mist and you can see that he's a real beauty.
"Isn't he beautiful?" Cynderilla says proudly. "He's from Sha-Haven, and he's a...whatchamacallit...a unicorn! That's what Jaysen from Sha-Haven said he was. Since that Jaysen thought I should have this colt, I decided to name Jason after him, with different spelling, of course. His mate is bay Jenica, and they have had their first crop of foals. I'm hoping that one of them may come to live with us."
This page was last updated on 24 January 1999.